Thursday 17 March 2011


Actually we had already learned this topic in our foundation program. But there only the basic we all well know. This time the topic will become deeper then we had learned before. As in an introduction, we had learn about the speech organ. To enhance our understanding about this speech organ, we all are individually act out how the speech organ work correctly. Usually malaysian are hard to pronoun the english word correctly, but through this topic, we will know how our organ pronoun it correctly. Its helps a teacher to teach their student in the correct way. Not only know the word but how to speech out is most important.

after we know about articulate organ, we are told to find at least three tongue twister phrase. A difference tongue twister helps us to develop and enrich our pronunciation. Our group have choose three tongue twister which are:

A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.

A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.

Next lecture is about minimal pair. Minimal pairs are the set of two words that are only differentiated by one tiny sound. If we can distinguish these tiny sounds, it will help us with pronunciation and comprehension. This time, each group required to list down five sets of minimal pairs for initial, medial and final part. From this activity, we will know the different between two words although its sound is closely same. style="font-size:12.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:11.0pt; line-height:115%;font-family:"Arial","sans-serif";mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin;color:#1A1A1A;mso-themecolor:background1; mso-themeshade:26;mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US; mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">

  • lit - lightread - redsing - sang
    bed - badsaw - soughtboot - boat
    soot - suitbut - bootwhy - way
    know - nowwreath - wreatheleak - lick
    look - lucksock - suckvest - vast
    cod - carddug - dogthirst - first
    fair - fearpay - bayread - lead
    need - meadzoo - suenear - ne'er
    catch - cashazure - assurejet - chet
    leige - leasewhistle - thistlebeige - bays
    fur - fearcare - churnoon - nun
from all this lesson, i know that not easy to be a good speaker if our pronunciation is not so good. I must take a lot of effort by doing some extra homework by searching in the internet how to get the correct pronunciation.


I take a long term to understand and memorize of the part for each morpheme. So I write the reflection on topic 3 early from topic 2. I had facing a lot of problems by finishing this topic and this reflection. I've no idea on what I write about. But I try my best to reflect on what my understanding in this topic. I had 'Google' to find the meaning of the term of morphology.

In linguistics, morphology is the identification, analysis and description of the structure of morphemes and other units of meaning in a language likewords, affixes, and parts of speech and intonation/stress, implied context (words in a lexicon are the subject matter of lexicology). Morphological typologyrepresents a way of classifying languages according to the ways by which morphemes are used in a language —from the analytic that use only isolated morphemes, through the agglutinative ("stuck-together") and fusional languages that use bound morphemes (affixes), up to the polysynthetic, which compress lots of separate morphemes into single words.

There are 5 types of morpheme:
1. free morphemes
2. Bound morphemes
3. Inflectional morphemes
4. Derivational morphemes
5. Allomorphs

Each of morpheme have their rules to become a word. For example:
free morpheme means a word that can stand by itself and has a grammatical function. "Sleep" is a free morpheme which can occur on its own and has a grammatical function as an adjective.
Bound morphemes is opposite with free morpheme which it can not stand by itself but it has a grammatical function. example "unhappy". it is combination of bound morpheme 'un' and free morpheme 'happy'.
Inflectional morpheme is an affix used to change form and function only from the grammatical point with no change in part of speech of the word. Exmample : Walk-->Walk[s]
all morphemes in brackets [] are bound morpheme which have separated grammatical function but which do not change the meaning of the original morpheme(the root). Likewise, the part of speech remains the same(the verb remains a verb).
Derivational morpheme is an opposite of inflectional morpheme. Its can be used to make further new words, in the process of adding one morpheme to another where the part of speech too many change in the process of the change in meaning. Example:
for the last one which is allomorphs is a term refers to a variant of a morpheme. For example the [s] morpheme in english which indicates plurality or third person singular present tense has 3 allomorphs: cats../kaets/, dogs.../dogz/ and horses.../ho:sѳz/. Another example is the past tense morpheme [ed] with 3 allomorph: talked /t/...jugged/d/ and ended/Id/

After learn all about each morpheme, we also had learned about word structure. In word structure i know that morphemes build up into words which then form the phrase. The mastering of these word structure can makes our basic on teaching english will strong and helps us to teach in class. there a lots of way to form a good structure and as a teacher must know about it.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


For this week, i had learned more about the meaning of language and how we use it in an appropriate place or time. the arrangement of a sentence should be care more. language are usually use to communicate or represent thoughts or ideas with other people rather than only learn it. the language can be shown from sounds or letter. in other countries or races, there are lots of language we heard, but the meaning is still same. for example: a house can be called 'rumah' in Malay. the sound is different but the meaning is still same. i have more example to show the differences between sounds in other country that i had learned:
Arabic: kaifa haluka? (how are you?)
aina taskunu? (where are you live?)
ma ismuka?( what is your name?)

I had learned in english language, most of the basic structure in a sentence should have Subject-Verb-Object(SVO), example:
I play football.

in arabic: ana laába kirratulkadam (SVO) but it still same if the sentence change to (ilába kirratulkadam)

Studied language is very interesting because it has many different sounds and how the sound produce. the rules of language stick with SVO and no other language has that rule except the sequence. it can be VSO or something like that. different language have its creativity to make their language interesting.

Besides that, learned English language is not easy for me because of my mother tongue is still strong. but i can solve it through hearing english song and so on. that is the most Malaysian problem occur especially for students. meanwhile, it also effect most of our pronunciation become more to our mother tongue. so manglish occur in our culture. its not wrong if we use manglish to communicate with other, but in time it also can develop our competency in English.

Communication can be exist if there have 2 parties between sender and receiver of massage. there are variables of communication which are non-vocal and vocal. under non-vocal has visual, tactile, olfactory and physical or kinetic. for example:

visual- staring, winking
tactile- shaking hand
olfactory- twitching of nose
kinetic- body language

Under vocal has non-speech and speech. under non-speech it also has physiological reflexes, emotion markers, voice quality differences and paralinguistic effects. for example:

physiological reflexes : yawns, purposeful coughs
emotion markers : show feeling(sighs, sob)
voice- whisper,raised voice
paralinguistic effects - show joy/sadness(laughter, humming)

There is very interesting if we can master of all this language. it helps us to avoid to misunderstand with other language and the important thing is the message that we want to presents to other with different culture.